The Simstem🔆

" the Grid. " -TRON, from TRON: Evolution

Song Credit: "Sea of Simulation" by Daft Punk (TRON: Legacy album).

Body Information

Birthday: May 16th, 2007
Body Age: 16 (Minor)
Collective Pronoun(s): Just call by female.
Body Ethnicity: Slavic.
Nationality: Russian or US Citizen.
Language(s): Russian, English, etc.
Diagnosed with: (Neurodivergent) ADHD, etc. (Will not specify for privacy).
--> We will also soon begin our diagnosis process for understanding if we have either DID or OSDD with a trained licensed professional, to also help start our recovery journey.

General System Information

🔆13 Sunshines🔆
- Sim Shats - {🔆}
- Mark Minecraft - {💙}
- Maxime Büth - {🎀}
- Sam Flynn - {⌨️}
- Orion - {🚒}
- Ren - {🐩}
- S.I.M.O. - {🔸}
- etc. (*Not specified for privacy).
You may click through the two sections on some general info on some of our system's members who are most active on social media.
*Note: (Not all members' full info is available in order to ensure safety to ourselves and the specific alters. However, a general list of names has been provided on this page just in case if for example a friend or a coworker on film production were to encounter one of these alters so that they would be able to figure out how to help me in the moment).

🔆Host(s) & Co-Host(s)

(info updates in progress)

" Sim Shats "
Nickname(s): Sim, SimSim.
Mental age caught up now! C:
Language(s): Russian & English.
Emoji: 🔆
You don't really need to calm me! I am relatively stable.

" Mark Minecraft "
Nickname(s): Mark, Boo.
Age: Age-Slider (17-27); However, mostly presented at age 27.
Role(s): Co-Host, Protector, Gatekeeper.
Pronoun(s): He/Him, Allows other pronouns.
Emoji: 💙
I'm fine!

" Sam Flynn "
Nickname(s): Sam, Flynn, Samuel, Sammy.
Age: Age-Slider (17-27); However, mostly presented at age 27.
Pronoun(s): He/Him, Allows other pronouns.
Role(s): Co-Host, Gatekeeper, etc.
Emoji: ⌨️

" S.I.M.O. "
Mentally Aged: 14
Pronoun(s): They/He
Role(s): Co-Host, Persecutor.
I have panic & aggression if pushed too far.
Just be patient with me. I will also have self-harm/risk tendencies.

🔆Other Members

" Orion " -
More Info to be added!

" " -More Info to be added!